Australian Delegation - Pilbara

Australian Delegation: Craig Bloxsome - Outreach Scitech; Nick Wood - Outreach Scitech; Hanouska Bishop - Rio Tinto Ore Iron, Dampier; Tania Lindau - Rio Tinto Dampier Salt, Dampier; Jaquelyn McCaskie - St Lukes High School; Georgia Hay - St Lukes High School; John and Jeanna - Beijing Guides

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dayu High School (Middle School)

The Dayu High School (or Middle School as known in China) was a magnificent school and caters for Years 10, 11 and 12. Most students sit an exam and must score 400 points out of 500 points to attend. The school reminded me more of a university and also was a Boarding House to all the students. Noosh was very excited by the huge Botany and Animal display in the Science areas of the school. The large oval was a perfect place to kick the footy around during the breaks and to introduce Australian Rules Football to the Chinese students.
The main classroom area

Noosh is in Heaven!
The Drum Troupe welcomes the visitors

Nick teaches a student some footy skills

The Perth schoolboys show how footy is "really" played!

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