Australian Delegation - Pilbara

Australian Delegation: Craig Bloxsome - Outreach Scitech; Nick Wood - Outreach Scitech; Hanouska Bishop - Rio Tinto Ore Iron, Dampier; Tania Lindau - Rio Tinto Dampier Salt, Dampier; Jaquelyn McCaskie - St Lukes High School; Georgia Hay - St Lukes High School; John and Jeanna - Beijing Guides

Monday, April 4, 2011

Schedule of the 31st BYSCC

22 March 2011
Fly from Karratha to Beijing. Check into your Hotel. Explore the Old Summer Palace and visit the Water cube and Birds nest under lights.
23 March 2011
Visit the Beijing Museum of Natural History with fellow International students.
24 March 2011
Visit the Jietai Temple in the morning and set up the Project Display in the afternoon.
Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Banquet at night.
25 March 2011
Communication among the Chinese and Foreign students at the Dayu High School.
Project display in the afternoon.
26 March 2011
Project display all day.
Special awards ceremony and evening show.
27 March 2011
Awards Ceremony and Closing Ceremony in the morning.
Visit the Great Wall of Badaling in the afternoon.
28 March 2011
Visit the Summer Palace, Forbidden City and Tian'anmen Square.
Shopping at the Silk Street markets.
29 March 2011
Check out and leave for your own country.

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