Australian Delegation - Pilbara

Australian Delegation: Craig Bloxsome - Outreach Scitech; Nick Wood - Outreach Scitech; Hanouska Bishop - Rio Tinto Ore Iron, Dampier; Tania Lindau - Rio Tinto Dampier Salt, Dampier; Jaquelyn McCaskie - St Lukes High School; Georgia Hay - St Lukes High School; John and Jeanna - Beijing Guides

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Water Cube and Birds Nest

Evening on 22 March 2011, John, took us to a Chinese Noodle Restaurant with authentic Chinese dishes. Craig braved the chicken feet for dinner and everyone tried a new dish to test their palettes. Very delicious food and very different to the traditional fare that we are all used to in Australia. Next on the agenda was exploring the Olympic Park from the 2008 Games and to see the luminous Water Cube and famous Birds Nest in Beijing. Hundreds of people were gathered on a week night with kites flying and the traffic lights changing....with no traffic in the Olympic Park, quite a surreal experience.
Georgia and Jaq

Noosh between Birds Nest and Cube

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